About Us

We are an independent church, affiliated to the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (See below.). There is no single leader: instead we are led by a group of elders and trustees, assisted by deacons (helpers). They bring decisions to a meeting of regular members of the congregation. It works well: the church is a happy and united family!

Church close up

We believe in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.                                                        

God the Father, Creator of all, and Father of all who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, who lived, died and rose from death to bring us back from rebellion against God to be His children as we put our faith in Him. He will one day return to earth to put right all wrong, to judge and rule.

God the Holy Spirit, Who lives within all who follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

We believe that the Bible is God's true Word to us, our inspiration and guide for life.

You can see a fuller statement of what evangelical Christians believe by visiting the website of the Federation of Independent Evangelical Churches (see below):

FIEC  www.fiec.org.uk